Kernow Fires supply and install wood burners and multi fuel stoves in Cornwall.Kernow Fires supply and install wood burners and multi fuel stoves in Cornwall.

Kernow Fires Wishing Simon and Claire all the best

Wishing Simon and Claire all the best

26 June 2019

  • 70417

We are really excited to wish Simon and Claire every luck for Thursday evening when they will be attending the Cornwall Business awards and hopefully bringing home an award or two!

Award One.  Claire is up for young Business Person of the Year award and we, obviously, feel she very much desrves it!  She is up against some stiff competition.  Two other young ladies are up for the same award, both of whom run their own businesses however Claire has proven herself over and over again as a very savvy and clever business woman.  Working with all aspects of the company Claire holds a very central position which has enabled the business to grow.  Not only this but she is constantly reviewing systems and structures to help ease pressure and make growth possible.  On top of her very busy role at Kernow Fires she has also complete two apprenticeships and and recieved a distinction in a business and management diploma.  We really do wish her all the best of luck!

Award Two.  Simon Breckon - The Boss Man is up for Business Person of the Year.  He may have been forced into entering but we do feel that he does deserve it.  Being a leader within the woodburning industry, not just in Cornwall but across the UK, he has lead the way in fireplace design for a long time and is often looked at for inspiration from other companies.  Not one to sit back and enjoy the good time he has constantly and consistently introduced new products and services, ensuring that Kernow Fires will remain a strong business for years to come.  This is a great comfort to all of us who work here! 

As well as being a great business man he is also a kind, thoughtful and caring Boss.  Ensuring that his staff are well looked after and helping us out personally when we've needed it through a variety of ways.  He encourages free thinking and embraces new ideas and challenges, encouraging those who want to to get qualitfications which will benefit not only thekmselves but the business.

Award Three.  Thanks to the two nominations above we have also been nominated as best Cornish Business.  This is very exciting and although we doubt we will win we are very honoured to have been short listed.  This award is voted on by the public.  If you would like to vote for us you can follow the link at the end of this article.  Make sure you scroll right to the bottom of the page to find us - you only get one vote so don't click on anyone else before you get there!

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